Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ignite Church Missions trip to Haiti: 15 March 2010: Day Eight

We have utilized some logic and have everything that need be checked go in one bag instead of multiples. I also met an interesting fellow from Philadelphia. He seemed to have read the Constitution and resembled a young Chuck Norris.

For some reason, Bernard accidentally grabbed the wrong cell phone when leaving the house and went to switch it back . . . he didn't make it back to the airport in time to make the flight.

Arriving in Florida, myself and Sarah grab some pizza and set out to finally find out what a "fancy" is. The person told us it was a muffin . . . we were disappointed. We then, having went out of our way to leave the 'secure' area, decide to get one of these "fancies". Being kind, she offers to let me decide which "fancy" to procure with the caveat that should I choose the Honey-Nut-Whatever, she would punch me in the face. My response was, of course, that should I choose that one, I would deserve to be punched. I chose the Double-Chocolate, to which Sarah agreed. We then headed back to the terminal, having the "fancy" x-rayed along the way.

Getting on board the plane takes way too long. In attempts to avoid paying fees for checked bags, many passengers take too much as carry on and the flight is delayed just long enough that when we get to DC, we find our plane to Pittsburgh has already left without us. Some people flip out and yell at the Airport workers.

After the situation gets sorted out, sort of, we look for a place to hunker down for the night. The Airline offers a free flight the next morning, but we either have to sleep in the airport or pay for a hotel . . . we chose the airport. Myself and Cory begin scouting for a spot when we come across a bar (that's closed) that has the Lakers game (that's really the only thing that Cory was worried about) on the TV. He pulls up a chair and watches while the rest of us gather in the airport chapel for the night.

In the morning, and after our new flight is delayed an hour, we finally make it back to Pittsburgh. Once home, I spent most of the rest of the day sleeping.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ignite Church Missions trip to Haiti: 14 March 2010: Day Seven

Today we head out to Bernard's orphanage where we had earlier been invited to their Sunday church service. It was a unique experience. We each got up and gave a short testimony about our experiences in Haiti and then Cory got up and gave a sermon regarding how shakable the world is and how unshakable God is. Following, we played some games (or rather, we watched them play soccer) and distributed food to them. We then taught them how to play tag and monkey-in-the-middle.

Later that day, we decided upon going up a mountain (not particularly fun considering myself, Cory and Josh were in the very back of the SUV cramped together and bouncing with every bump and often hitting our heads upon the ceiling.) that overlooked Port Au Prince. Along the way we came across an elderly lady that had moved to Haiti in 1947. She was in great shape for being 80. She told us of a nurse who is also from the Pittsburgh area (specifically New Kensington).

Continuing up the mountain, we get to the peak where the French had built a fort in 1804 and from what we could see (without actually being able to enter) it had survived the earthquake mostly unscathed.

Riding in the very back of the SUV (as mentioned previously) has been and rather painful, especially going up then back down this mountain. Cory and I have been the volunteers to ride back there most of our time here. A few times it has been Cory and Josh and other times it has been all three of us. Occasionally, Kelly offers to ride in the back so one of us can sit in an actual seat, but we (being gentlemen) decline the offer.

Being that this is our last night here, we go to a local bar and try a beer called "el Presidente". It's alright - being a pillsner and thus, a light beer. There is this dance room in the back and Sarah and Bernard go and check it out. Upon their return, Sarah notes that it is rather lackluster. Later on, Sarah comments how North American and Northern European men can't dance very well. Despite the fact I don't dance very well, I accept the challenge and we dance for a bit in the dimly lit room. Next, Sarah and Bernard went in for some dancing.

Our next course of action, after dropping off Karen and Sarah at the house, is to go bar hoping for a bit (Bernard even let's me drive for a bit:). We find a few places and have fun. Despite a minor musical disagreement between myself and Josh regarding the radio, this is a mostly uneventful excursion.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

EXTRA! EXTRA! Group of Beaver County Residents Take Advantage of Pirates "Buck Night"!

Wednesday Night, the Pirates had a special "Buck Night" - Tickets and hot dogs for a dollar each!

The group, which was mostly members of Ignite with friends and relatives invited along, enjoyed a clear day of aimiable weather as the Pirates and LA Dodgers fought out a close game in which Garret Jones hit a three-run homer before the Bucs went eight innings without another score. The game eventually went into an extra inning before Bobby Cedeno pulled off the base hit to send the fourth and game-winning run into home plate. After tonight's win, the Bucs are now 2-0 (They beat the Dodgers on Monday in their home-opener 11-5) and will face the Dodgers again tomorrow afternoon.

In other sports news:

-- The Penguins (45-27-7) will host the NY Islanders Thursday in what will be Melon Arena's final ever regular season game. The Pens have three games remaining (two of which are against the playoff-hopeless Islanders) and are currently 4th in conference standings (The current playoff scenario can be found here).

-- Tiger Woods returns to golf - and Nike Commercials.

-- Big Ben and Holmes still in hot water. Lawyers are hopeful that evidence will prove them not guilty.

UPDATE: Holmes has been traded to the "J-E-R-K-S Jets! Jets! Jets!" for a 5th round pick.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ignite Church Missions trip to Haiti: 13 March 2010: Day Six

Today, we plan out some relay games for the girls and then split into two groups. Sarah and Kelley have a lesson for the younger ones whilst Cory, Josh and myself have a Bible Study for the older ones. Karen has spent most of the week sewing clothes and helping some of the girls learn to sew. Bernard is mostly unseen.

For lunch, they make Haitian pizza for us and it really isn't anything to get excited about, but it's alright.

The rest of the day is spent hanging out and playing card games that didn't appear to be properly explained, have any winners or even a point. During this, the girl known as "Funky Cold Medina" made and handed out bracelets for all of us. Another of the games was a round of Uno during which the four AMericans that were playing (Cory, Josh, Sarah and myself) each finished 1st through 4th out of the group of 12 or so.

During that past few days, Josh has made it a point to count most of his mosquito bites and announce his findings to whom-ever happens to be nearby at the time. I think he said he has over 130, but that's not a scientific estimate.

Side Note: I have this crank flashlight that isn't that great of quality. It has two brightness levels (High and Low) and has a "Loncar Mode". "Loncar Mode" is basically the light blinks on/off repeatedly and makes people want to kill the operator. I'll be leaving it here.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

NEWS FLASH: Local Man Makes Bold Lavitory Prophesy!

Late last night, local man Paul "SB" Gardner, made the bold proclamation that he would never fall through the floor of a bathroom.

This claim came around at approximately 11:30 PM following a night of Praise and Worship. The discussion had turned toward the house that members of Ignite Church had fixed up and is attempting to sell and more specifically, that someone who shall remain anonymous had accidentally stepped through a weak part in the floor. It was here that Mr. Gardner proudly stated that he would never fall through a bathroom floor. He then requested that wood be knocked upon for luck and that his prediction be written down - something this reporter was keen to do.

In Other News:

Later that same night, Jeremy, who is called Frommer, discovered that he had been accepted into West Virginia University's medical program. WVU made itself the second college to accept Frommer's application. Much jocularity was made about both the possibility of viewing the WVU V PIT sports games as well as the moonshine that is prevalent in the West Virginia area. Frommer has been accepted to two colleges and is likely to receive a third in the coming weeks.

Frommer, during last summers (fully documented) missions trip to the country of Guatemala.