To seek the Pure one. To
not only want, but to need on a deeper level.
Captivated by the dark
brown of her eyes.
For her, to any mountain,
I would travel.
Her beauty and grace; her compassion and selflessness.
Her beauty and grace; her compassion and selflessness.
To seek her out, yet see
her as more than a prize.
To climb the steepest
hills, to cross the lowest valleys.
To pass over the
Heartland, to pass over the Gulf that divides.
To almost go back in time,
to re-visit again and again.
It is not a chasing after
the wind, I go to where Hope has been Sown
To Connect and lend my
Voice to help lift the voice of others.
To come back again,
through the hustle and bustle.
To return to the safe
castle, away from blood suckers.
Only to long for the
return, and perhaps to stay?