Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ignite Church Missions trip to Guatemala: Summer 2009

In the Summer of 2009, this reporter traveled to the country of Guatemala along with eight other members of Ignite Church from Rochester PA. Travelling were Pastor Cory, Zak and Natalie Covalt, Josh, Kelly, Jeremy who is called Frommer, Justin, Heather and myself, James who is called Quigs. This trip occurred as follows:

Day one – 8/20/2009 – 2:00 AM

We had our Wednesday night Bible Study as per usual with the plan of leaving together at around 3. Whilst waiting we also watched “Pan's Labyrinth” en espanol. It was weird and a bit graphic, but we heard a lot of Spanish words.

I'm going to chug a Red Bull at around 3-ish, just to stay awake better. I might try to give Christina a call when we get to Houston, mostly to say hi, but also a little just to see what her reaction would be to me calling her from a Texas area code. I would like to hang out with her as well, but it would be short notice, and that would be rude.

Edit: Natalie was almost denied passage due to the fact that her passport was in her maiden name whilst her plane ticket was in her married name. All was made well when the information on the ticket was changed to match her passport. (Thanks are to be awarded to Josh for reminding me of this.)

Day one – 8/20/2009 – Approx. 9-9:15 AM

It bothers me that this notebook is falling apart. Moving on. We crammed into the van [Church van that Heather's fiancé was kind enough to drive us in] at about 4AM and arrived at the airport with enough time to hang out and/or eat for about an hour. Justin has this extra bag that he is attempting to rid himself of and almost got into trouble when he left it unattended next to a garbage can. After much jocularity regarding that, amongst the usual discussion topic one would expect a group of young people would discus whilst awaiting a flight. We the boarded twin-turbo-prop plane and had further discussions amongst ourselves and a flight attendant. This was not without incident, however, as I unintentionally bumped into a lady whilst attempting to stow my luggage. I promptly apologized, but she appeared too flustered to care.

On the second flight from New Jersey to Houston, we were on a much bigger and nicer plane than the one previous. There are tv's in the seats, the movie I chose to view is the recent Star Trek movie. I decided against the headphones and went on memory, as well as taking the opportunity to add to the journal. I am pumped that we are able to go to Guatemala to help out. What's more is that not only am I able to help out, but that help will actually matter! I just wish I remembered to bring my watch – I didn't want to pay international and roaming rates for the cell phone, so I didn't bring it. It could turn out to be good, it could turn out to be bad, who knows. I hope I remember enough of the Spanish to at least semi-communicate with people there. Anyway, I haven't slept a wink and I am pumped and excited and maybe even a bit giddy. I think it may be the sleep deprivation that's causing hyperactivity in me. Lol. The geek in me is making those squiggly lines that mark misspelled words.

Approximately 10:30-10:45-ish

The movie is now over and I am told that we will be landing soon. I was going to get up to stretch my legs, but I can't do that now. Apparently 'soon' means 45 minutes, great. I hope I don't get a blood clot from sitting this long.

The following events occurred whilst spending the seven hour lay-over in Houston, TX.

We landed and found our way to the exit to find a typically hot Texas day. AT first, I found it refreshing. I suppose in the sense that I was reminded of both the four years I spent in South Carolina and the one week I spent in Texas a few years back (though, to be fair, I would assume a big difference between Texas in August and Texas in May). Later it became neutral to me, neither refreshing nor bothersome. Josh was kind enough to lend me his phone, thus I got to call home as well as Christina. Though we couldn't hang out, I could tell she felt bad, despite it being last minute and all, and I really shouldn't make it seem as though I'd expect someone to just drop everything to hang out with me for a bit. Now, we looked for a bus to take us to down town Houston. We found one that was $15 per person, we declined. We eventually found one that was $1.25 per person and after scrounging for quarters, we were on our way to a restaurant that had been recommended to us by a passer-by. It was called “the Flying saucers” and it was awesome! They had 152 beers on tap. We ate, drank and were merry. We then walked in the hot air in search of other things to do. We were told of an ice cream place, but it didn't exist. So instead of walking, Zak went into a fancy place and ordered a drink so we all could sit at a table without feeling too guilty. We then boarded our bus back to the airport. Along the way, Cory and Justin made conversation with other people on the bus. They took these opportunity to bring up faith. Since my conversation skills and overall confidence in interacting with people with whom I am unfamiliar are both quite lacking, I am not useful in this aspect. Somewhere along the bus route, Josh and Kelly dosed off – I took the opportunity to snap a photo (which can be seen on the Ignite web site).

All throughout each of the airports to which we paid visit, there are carts assisting travellers in reaching their respective gates of departure. It was the custom to clear a way through the pedestrian traffic by declaring; “cart!”. We took it upon ourselves to yell “cart” as well, though with a more jocular twist.

Around midnight I would suppose.

We flew over the Gulf of Mexico and I have to say that made me a bit nervous, ok, a lot nervous. So I don't have a watch and can't say for sure but I think I've gone about 36-40 hours with only a few minutes of dozing off here or there, I'm so glad I don't have to drive. We had to fill out immigration visa papers and there was some confusion on my part as well as a few others. Justin, by now, has given up on his attempts to lose his extra bag. We landed in Guatemala City at around 9-ish their time without incident. Our team dispersed to the homes of the families they each will stay for the first night. Even without hot water, the shower was much needed and appreciated. We will leave at around 4-ish, so I must sleep now. It seems traffic laws here are more like guidelines than actual rules.


Day Two – 8/21/2009 9:30-ish (ok, I don't really know)

I wake up with just enough time to get dressed and gather my things. I approximate that I slept about three hours. Three hours of sleep over two days time. We assemble at the CAG (Christian Academy of Guatemala) and we took a look around [they had a huge soccer field]. At one point I thought I had forgotten my wallet, but I didn't. I made Edgar turn the car around twice before figuring out I had it in my pocket [it was a thin wallet – light and hard to tell if it's there]. We leave and see the architecture and the many traffic violations of Guatemalan driving. There are sights of hills, valleys and mountains as we drive. I fall asleep for about two hours, after I awake, it's about an hour before we reach a restaurant called “Saritas” for breakfast. They had really good pancakes. Cory spotted a lady with a philly shirt and whilst we were on our way out and stopped to converse with her and her group (they were really from NYC). We continued for a few hours more before reaching the destination. Most of us slept whilst Cory talked with Corinna [I'm guessing that's how it's spelled], about Guatemala, a Georgia Bulldog's game that apparently they had both gone to and other whatnots. On the way up the last hill, one of the cars couldn't get past a muddy part and we had to carry the luggage and other stuff up the rest of the way, we definitely over-exerted ourselves.

After a quick snack, we found a lime tree out back, complete with a guard dog. Afterwards, we dispersed into smaller groups. Natalie, Heather and Kelly taught some children's sermons to the local children, Justin and Josh went to work fixing a stove and the rest of us (Cory, Jeremy who is called Frommer, Zack and myself) walked over to the Church to put in the foundation to a new Bano [Espanol for bathroom]. They had an . . . interesting and unique method for mixing concrete. They piled it on the ground, made a hole in the middle and filled it with water. They then gradually and cautiously mixed the dry mix over the water. As it turned out, they used too much water, not that big of a problem, it just took a lot longer to dry. We measured the pvc pipes for the toilets and cut them to the proper sizes. We worked hard and got a lot accomplished. Me and Cory then went into the Church and experienced an espanol service/prayer. It was cool. We then left back for the nearby house we were staying at, but instead of the road, we went down a back way that was steep and very muddy. Many places had mud that was, in some places, two feet deep, possibly deeper in others. My shoes are now covered in mud, concrete – I might just leave them here. [Although, I didn't]. After dark, we hung out till dinner was ready, which was good. There was some guacamole that was made. It was commented that this was the best guacamole ever tasted. I, however, did not agree on this. The shower room wasn't much to speak of, so I won't speak of it. We slept on air mattresses on a concrete floor. I had a dream that I was on some college campus and this girl was chasing me all over the place. She also made weird noises. When I woke up, I found that the weird noises were really coming from a nearby rooster and it's sound had been incorporated into my dream. (A.D.D. Moment: This place is about 45 minutes walking distance from the border to Honduras.) (2nd A.D.D. Moment: Everyone agreed the rooster should have been shot).


Day Three 8/22/2009 – Time unknown

Today we returned to the Church to continue construction of the bano. We took the “fun” way. Part way going up, a couple of Guatemalan's pass by with a horse. This horse, carrying bags, walks past us and bumps into me, knocking me over and almost under the horse itself.

Josh stayed at the house whilst Natalie, Kelly and Heather had a lesson and a craft for the kids. Meanwhile, the rest of us built walls and finished the PVC piping for the water and drains.

Around three-ish in the afternoon, me and Zak went back for snacks. For some reason, we took the long way and I became exhausted from the long walk in the hot sun. We ate at the Church whilst the rest of our group arrived and helped with the building. (We worked with the Guatemalan natives and not alone, for this is just all around better.) It rained a little, but it wasn't bothersome, more refreshing actually. After eating, the nine of us and the Guatemalans worked together to construct the bano. We accomplished a lot. At one point, the pastor of the Church climbed a tree and shook a branch to get the mangoes to drop, they were good. We trekked back to the house and some of the guys went to shower at a waterfall. I did not do this. I washed up in the shower-room-that-shall-not-be-spoken-of.

Then there was a worship service for a bunch of people and it was really cool. They sang songs and we sang them a song of our own. Heather gave a testimonial and Cory gave a sermon. After words, some of us ate with the Pastor and talked while the kids and us played with the toy balls we had given them. This is when I had my first cup of coffee. It was really good, kinda sweet and not at all revolting.

After a while, the Pastor and his family left for the night. We stayed up longer talking about our experiences; joking and discussing the plans for tomorrow. Later me and Cory looked at the stars and saw many. Horhay showed me how to turn off the generator so he could go to sleep. We used sort-of-sign language to communicate, it was cool. The two nights we spent on the mountain were cold and dark, as in there was no night vision.


Day Four 8-23-2009 Approximately 8:30-9:00

Woke up, packed everything and ate breakfast with some people from the Church. We then left to return to the city. Cory and Frommer rode on the back of the truck for a bit. It was dangerous considering that the road was curvy, hilly and muddy. I slept en route for a bit, then we stopped at Sarita's for lunch. Another two hours of driving. We talked most of the way. Corinna, who was translating for us, is really cool. She has been to the U.S. and even went to a Georgia Bulldogs game (turns out, the game she went to was the same game Cory had gone to).

We arrived at the house of another family that will take us in for the next two nights. They fed us and gave us coffee (A.D.D. Moment: I think I've become addicted to it). We next discussed our plans for the next two days.


Day Five 8-24-2009 Around Noon

Breakfast with coffee, then hanging out and discussion of the days plans. Then me, Zak, Josh and Paco (native Guatemalan who also speaks English and married into a Wisconsin family - thus he is a Packers fan and didn't want to talk about Brett Favre) went to the bank to convert our money. We next practiced our skit until we got to the school.

Our skit was Jeremy as Jesus, Josh was injured, Heather sad, Kelly sick, Zak and Natalie were fighting and I was blind. Jeremy went around and 'healed' everyone whilst taking on each symptom. We pulled it off swimmingly. We then sung the kids a few songs (although, admittedly, I didn't sing very well, at all) and then gave a lesson regarding recycling and being good stewards of the earth. The children were then presented with barrels to paint for the purposes of recycling. We spent the rest of our time playing soccer with the kids. I was a decent net-minder.

We returned to Paco's house for lunch and are now discussing Plans and chatting (if I recall a map was utilized in one of the subjects of conversation).

Day Five Supplemental

We went to a public school to help with a bench project. We gathered, cut and bent some re bar and other people moved some dirt. Altogether an unproductive couple of hours. We regrouped at the house, then hung out until deciding to view a movie at the mall. We wandered around the mall for a bit. We found a restaurant and had a beer whilst watching an NFL pre-season game. The time for the movie came around. Most of us watched "G.I. Joe" and a few people watched "The Proposal". We have been expecting someone to try to rob us, this hasn't happened yet. It was mostly just us in the movie theater. After, we left for the respective house each of us are staying in. At the house I am in, there was chicken lasagna, it was good.


Day Six 8-25-2009 2:18 PM

Back to the public school for some more busy work. We gave up on that and went to a poor area of town to clean garbage off of the street. We then walked and handed out candy to local children. We returned to the house for lasagna and talking and joking around. Then Kelly tried to remove a black-widow spider from the cupboard with a pair of tongs.

7:00 PM

We went to another school to sing and perform our skit. along the way; Justin, Josh and Mario (Guatemalan native, spoke some English and had a cool hat) enjoyed the ride on the vehicle as opposed to in it - pics were taken.

At the school, we grouped up and went right into the skit. It was good. Being blindfolded kinda inhibited my ability to determine when my que was, but other than that, we pulled it off nicely. We then sung some songs and, once again, I had a mental blank and couldn't remember the words to the songs (I'm a terrible singer).

We moved on to the recycling lesson and after words we handed out notebooks, crayons and Bibles. The children crowded around us, each one wanting his/her own Bible. They also asked all about us as well as asked us to teach them several English words. Following this, our next activity was to play a couple of rounds of basketball at a local park.

Back at the house, we had many people come over for dinner of steak, rice and tortillas. It was awesome. After dinner, four of the Guatemalan's formed a quartet and sung some praise and worship songs. It wasn't long before we joined in singing in English. The combination English and Espanol was awesome. We then discussed possible plans for next years trip.


Day Seven 8-26-2009 9:30 PM

For once; me, Frommer and Josh were awakened *before* breakfast was ready. This was thanks to Mario. Breakfast was pancakes-with-syrup-traps and coffee. We packed up, acquired petrol and got onto the highway before realizing we forgot Heather at the petrol station. We turned around, retrieved her and resumed our way to Antigua (tourist area). We saw many beautiful buildings and were near three volcanoes (all dormant). Our first visit was to a coffee museum which was very informative. We then explored the market area for sou veneers. Me and Jeremy tag-team-haggled the shopkeepers.

Me and Jeremy then found a Ronald McDonald statue at the local McDonald's and took some pics. The McDonald's here in Guatemala is actually much nicer than any I have ever seen back in the states.

Some of us then went over to a "local establishment" to try some of the beverages. We got a pitcher and as it happened, there was a mysterious chunk of something that had found it's way into Kelly's glass. The barkeep claimed it was part of the beer, but Kelly knew better.

Over at Tina's house (American living in Guatemala who helped organize our venture - also organized for us to have more food than we really needed) and had a bunch of other people over for a spaghetti dinner. It was then that Armando (Corinna's father) gave us each a coffee mug. After much conversation and a trip to a store for chocolate, people left for the night. The few of us that were still there stayed up, watched some B movie about some company espionage or whatever, then packed up and left around three in the morning.


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