During work, there is a radio the boss-man has on so we can listen to some tunes whilst working away. Every once-in-a-while, a certain commercial comes one for some local doctor that performs plastic surgery. This propaganda includes something about making the outer beauty match the inner beauty or some such nonsense.
Herein lies my rage (not merely the 'upset' kind of rage, but rage closer to the "I am Joe's raging bile duct" type rage). Who, in their right mind, thinks physically altering their appearance will make them more attractive? Sure, certain types are more attractive than others, but that doesn't mean everyone should be made to look the same. Why do people actively agree to let botox and other silicon-based poisons (and they are poisons - straight from the bowls of satan) into their bodies? The notion that people need to surgically alter themselves in order to attract someone with whom they can partner with is utterly absurd and needs to be put to a stop.
Now for the other side. It's understood that women think they need to change themselves to appear more attractive. It's also understood they do so because bad men encourage it and good men apparently don't speak up against it often enough. So, to those of you who are like me (a somewhat good guy who is sick of the lies) speak up. The greatest ally evil has is a good person who remains silent. To those of you who think that operation is the only way to get a guy, forget about it, you don't need it (and those guys who do tell you that you don't need surgery aren't just saying so, they really mean it).
Here's an interesting news article I happened to find:
It's now suspected that implants may not even be safe! Can we be done with it already?
And finally, to those of you who either actively encourage your girlfriends to get "bigger" or don't speak up should she talk about wanting it. Punch yourselves in the face. Seriously. Right now. Do it.
10 years ago
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