Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dusting and Other Spring Cleaning

Hmmm, it seems that it's been a while since I've posted anything. Well, that's changing. I'm dusting off the blog and will become more consistent with my posts. I probably only have a handful of readers (or you found this site looking for something else). In either case, this is just a venue for getting my ideas somewhere where they won't disappear into a vacuum (Or maybe a barely-read blog is a vacuum?).

Anyway, I'll have some caffeine and Mumford and Sons to guide me into one or two posts.

Things I have been up to?

Now that the weather is (Finally) starting to warm up. I plan on exercising and bicycle riding more often. Well, let's see how long that holds up.

Traveling. I shall travel more (and tell my tales of adventure!). Already planned are trips to Syracuse, Toronto and perhaps the Babylon D.C. area (If you don't know why I'm referring to D.C. as Babylon, then you don't know me very well) to see one or two museums (I'm thinking Smithsonian and/or Holocaust museums). I've already seen the Lincoln, WWII, Vietnam and Korea Monuments, so those are already crossed off my D.C. list.

Cooking and/or baking. Hey, I live alone. Anything I do or make, I have to do on my own. That includes feeding myself; so why not get good at it?

Here, we have some delicious Chocolate Chip Banana Bread.

I have also been making smoothies with off-and-on success. The really good ones have been the ones with Avocado. I love Avocado. I'm actually fixin ("Planning" for those of you north of the Mason-Dixon line) to make one later today. If Yinz ("Y'all" for those of you south of the Mason-Dixon line) ask nicely, I might share the recipe.

Now that the Walking Dead has ended its 3rd season. I should try to get some actual chores done. Like, cleaning, prepping for the next Guatemala trip, etc. But I will most likely find another show I need to catch up on.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Espanol (Spanish for those of you north of the Rio Grande) to brush up on so I can talk to people in Guatemala this August:)


  1. Great post! I too have more time on Sunday evenings now that the Walking Dead is over for the season. Unlike you I do not intend on doing chores during that free time. :)

    1. Haha. Yeah, I didn't get around to too many chores. lol. Got some stuff done, but mostly reading and catching up on other shows. #MonthLateReply #TwitterHashTagInfluence?
